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Facilities Management Tips for K-12 Schools and Higher Education

A dirty environment is a breeding ground for germs, which increases absences among students and staff due to illness. Hygienic, healthy environments are necessary for learning, growing and achieving. Teach students to build good habits and take pride in their school by keeping your learning scene clean!

Did You Know That Cleanliness is Linked to Academic Achievement?1

It’s hard for students to focus when their learning environment contains visible dirt and grime or the air they breathe is filled with dust and other allergens.

  • ⅓ of infections are preventable by proper handwashing2
  • School-based interventions are one of the most effective ways to encourage proper handwashing3
  • Restrooms were listed as one of the top 3 problem areas by facilities personnel4
  • A study revealed that after noise, temperature and lighting, cleanliness is the most important element of a building in terms of learning impact5

Do You Understand the Most Important Facility Issues Today?

Data collected from facilities personnel in a variety of industries, including hospitality, education and healthcare, revealed current concerns and buying habits6:

  • 68% say product effectiveness drives the value when selecting products
  • Almost one-fifth are concerned about proper use of products
  • 37.7% reporting a decrease in operating budgets
  • 73.7% think facility image is important
  • 35% of facilities are LEED certified or are working on it



3 Ibid

4 Cleaning & Maintenance Management Magazine


6 Cleaning & Maintenance Management Magazine

6 Ways to Save

Our product-savvy facilities strategists can help you decide which products are the most effective for your industry while helping you develop creative strategies for cutting costs:

Size Matters

Seemingly insignificant choices, such as the type, thickness and size of your trash liners, can yield big savings over time.


Don't Pay for Water

When you buy pre-mixed chemicals, you’re mostly paying for water. Mixing on site is both cost-effective and safe.


Control Your Portions

Let dispensers, not customers, dictate how much paper and soap to dispense, thereby reducing the risk of wasted product. Smart technology can even alert you when dispensers are low.


Be Strategic

Our staff training programs can help your employees figure out ways to complete the job faster, safer and more effectively, whether they’re cleaning floors or mixing chemicals.


Get Yor Fiber

Microfiber, that is. Traditional mops just push dirty water around. Microfiber mops are highly absorbent and eco-friendly, reducing water waste while preventing the spread of germs.


Stop the Juggling Act

Managing multiple vendor relationships is time consuming, costly and unnecessary. One vendor can fill multiple needs, such as training, janitorial supplies, furniture and equipment.


Plus $100 FREE Janitorial Products

Every industry has unique challenges that require individualized solutions. Let our experts assess your facility to find the best strategies and solutions for maintaining high levels of hygiene and safety while saving time and money. We’ll even give you free products!

You qualify if you:

  • Have 5 or more restrooms, breakrooms and warehouse areas
  • Have 50+ employees
  • Are responsible for the purchasing at your company


Learn more about how a facility assessment works and schedule your free visit today.

Related Resources

NCL Product Catalog

8 Moments for Targeted Hygiene

Restroom Checklist