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The Best Laid, Expert Plan For Reopening After Covid-19  

Here at Office Basics, we carry all the supplies, products and equipment to meet all of these points and keep your office an illness-free environment.

When reopening your business doors, it’s imperative that you have a sound protocol to prevent the spread of illness. The CDC has outlined such a plan based on expert analysis of the Covid virus, known as the “Hierarchy of Controls.” If properly implemented, it will help you to create a safe working environment for all: 

mobile dividers in high rise building

Space PLanning Controls

This is directly related to the physical space and the precautions made to make your workplace a safe environment. They include but are not limited to: 

  1. Modifying or rearranging workplace layouts to keep a minimum of 6ft between coworkers. 
  2. Using physical barriers to protect employees, guests, and customers from each other where necessary. 
  3. Ensuring that quick sanitation solutions are readily on hand (iehandwashing stations and/or hand sanitizer). 

cleaning keyboard, wearing protective gloves

Administrative Controls

This type of COVID control is how you as an employer or office manager can help to protect your staff and guests from spreading infection to one another: 

  1. Create and enforce social distancing policies for all office spaces 
  2. Revise and step up janitorial cleaning & disinfecting products and methods 
  3. Educate staff members on best social distancing, COVID policies and other practices to prevent the spread of infection 
  4. Ensure and enforce that all persons wear a cloth face mask inside the workplace, unless it is a safety hazard based on their specific duties 

Knowing what kind of PPE employees should use and who should have what kind is vital to their overall protection: 

  1. Employers should provide all staff and personnel with proper PPE for their work and tasks 
  2. Training on PPE should be provided and given if necessary 
  3. Supplement common PPE for tasks with PPE designed to also protect workers from COVID-19 infection