How to Prepare Employees for an Office Move

Posted by Norma Anthony on Jul 26, 2016 9:06:00 AM

Moving from a cramped office into a new, spacious building can be an exciting time for your business. Outgrowing your current office means you’re running a thriving and growing business. But, while you may be uncorking the champagne and celebrating your rapid growth, your employees may view the move with trepidation.


After all, no one likes change. Your employees may face a longer work commute to the new office, or they may feel attached to their current workspace.

However, when presented in the right light, you can guarantee a successful move and help ease the transition for your employees. If you’re worried about how your employees will handle the news of an upcoming move, ensure a seamless transition with this useful advice.

Break the News

First things first, you need to let your employees know that you’re moving to a new office space. The best way to do this is to let them know in a meeting, followed by an email sent to everyone that contains all of the details and a tentative calendar of events for the big move. Keeping your employees in the loop throughout the entire process will make them feel more involved, and it will help avoid any nasty surprises.

Be Prepared For Negative Feedback

Unfortunately, no matter how hard you try, you can’t please everyone. There are going to be some employees who openly protest an office move. It may take your employees some time to acclimate to their new space, and packing up office supplies and moving can be stressful for everyone involved.

It’s important that you address any objections to the move, rather than avoiding these employees and acting like nothing is wrong. Invite employees to visit you and discuss their feelings about the move. Let your employees know that you’re there to support them throughout the process, and never hide behind your office door.

Ask For Feedback And Suggestions From Your Staff

For the most part, your employees are working in your office 5 days a week, at least 8 hours a day. If there’s anyone who can help you during the moving process, it’s them. They not only know your office and its layout; they also know your company and its inner workings. Pick your employees’ brains and see if they have any suggestions for the office move. They may even want to get involved and help you plan out the move. You can even treat the office move as a team-building exercise where your employees can learn to work together more effectively.

Put A Positive Spin On It

Moving can be looked at in two ways: a painful, time-consuming process or an exciting opportunity. Why not make your office move fun by increasing employee involvement? Give employees the opportunity to vote on what color the office walls should be painted, which couches you should purchase for the break room or even the type of office chair they want in the new space. Make sure you provide them with a realistic list of options to choose from, so you don’t end up with an office painted bright red with polka dots.

You could even count down to the opening of the new office and hold a celebration to commemorate its opening. Involving your employees and acknowledging their opinions will help them get more excited about the upcoming move! Not to mention, they’ll feel appreciated, improving employee morale and satisfaction.

An office move can seem overwhelming, but you don’t have to face it alone. We can provide you with all the tools and people you need to bring your vision to life and create the dream office you’ve always wanted. To learn more about the services we offer, visit our How It Works page here.

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Topics: office redesign